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Entity Formation and Structuring

我们经验丰富的商业律师在这里帮助企业和企业家的实体形成和结构, providing guidance on the best legal structure for their business.

我们明白,为您的企业选择正确的实体形式和结构对其成功至关重要.  无论你是开始一个新的冒险或重组现有的业务, 我们的律师可以指导您完成整个过程,并帮助您选择正确的实体结构来实现您的目标.

Why is Entity Formation and Structuring Important?

实体形成和结构是创建一个经营企业或合资企业的法律实体的过程. 您选择的实体结构将决定法律和税务义务, 以及业主和管理者的权利和责任.  选择正确的实体结构很重要,因为它会影响到您的业务的成功, including its ability to raise capital, attract investors, and manage risk.

There are several types of entities to choose from, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), corporations, and nonprofit organizations.  每个都有自己的优点和缺点,这取决于你的具体需求和目标.

Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships

独资企业和合伙企业是最简单和最常见的商业实体形式.  在独资企业中,一个人拥有并经营企业.  在合伙企业中,两个或两个以上的个人分享所有权和管理责任.

独资企业或合伙企业的主要优点是相对容易和便宜.  However, they also come with a significant downside, 业主对企业的债务和负债负有个人责任.

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)

有限责任公司(llc)是小型企业和初创企业的热门选择.  有限责任公司提供合伙企业的灵活性,并提供公司的责任保护.  这意味着业主(或“成员”)对公司的债务和负债不承担个人责任.

有限责任公司的另一个优势是,它可以作为合伙企业纳税, 这意味着公司的利润和亏损会通过所有者的个人纳税申报表传递. This can be beneficial for small businesses, 因为这可以让他们避免公司所经历的双重征税.


公司是由股东拥有的独立法人实体.  They offer the most significant liability protection, 因为业主对公司的债务和负债不承担个人责任.  However, they also come with more complex legal and tax requirements, making them a less popular choice for small businesses and startups.

公司有两种类型,C公司和S公司.  C corporations are subject to double taxation, meaning that the company's profits are taxed at the corporate level, 然后再作为股息分配给股东.  S corporations, on the other hand, are taxed as pass-through entities, 这意味着公司的利润和亏损会通过所有者的个人纳税申报表来体现.

Nonprofit Organizations

非营利组织是为特定目的而组织的实体,而不是为了盈利. They can be formed as corporations, LLCs, or other entities, 但他们必须遵守具体的规章制度,才能保持免税地位.

非营利组织通常免征联邦所得税,以及一些州和地方税. 他们也有资格获得某些类型的赠款和其他资助机会,这是营利性企业无法获得的.

How Our Attorneys Can Help

为您的企业选择正确的实体结构可能是一个复杂而具有挑战性的过程.  我们经验丰富的律师可以指导您完成整个过程,并帮助您选择正确的实体形式和结构,以实现您的目标.


  1. Choosing the right entity structure for your business or venture
  2. 起草和归档文件,如公司章程或组织章程
  3. 创建运营协议、章程和其他管理文件
  4. Drafting and negotiating shareholder agreements, partnership agreements, and other ownership agreements
  5. 就税务影响和策略提供建议,包括联邦和州税务申报要求
  6. Assisting with corporate governance, including board and shareholder meetings, and compliance with corporate formalities
  7. 为企业的整个生命周期提供持续的支持和咨询, from formation to growth and expansion.

Our attorneys provide personalized, 全面的法律现金网官网,以满足每个客户的独特需求.  We understand that every business is different, and we take the time to get to know our clients and their goals.

我们也密切关注商业和税法的最新法律发展和变化, 为我们的客户提供最有效的建议.

We work with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations, as well as nonprofits and other organizations. 我们的目标是帮助我们的客户在当今竞争激烈的商业环境中实现他们的目标并取得成功.

In addition to our entity formation and structuring services, 我们还提供一系列其他商业和商业法律现金网官网, including contract drafting and negotiation, employment law, intellectual property protection, and dispute resolution.

If you are starting a new business or reorganizing an existing one, 请立即现金网官网,了解我们如何帮助您满足实体形成和结构需求. 我们致力于提供最优质的法律现金网官网,帮助我们的客户在当今的商业世界中实现他们的目标并取得成功.